
If you have a question that is not answered below please do not hesitate to email us at events@futureprint.tech.

  • Delegate pricing is £299 + VAT.

  • It includes the full two day conference programme, refreshments and lunch during the conference and attendance at the networking drinks & dinner.

  • All bookings once confirmed are non-refundable; however, in the eventuality that a delegate cannot attend due to illness or any other unforeseen circumstances, it may be possible to transfer the delegate place to a colleague who may benefit from attending.

    Please contact Cindy at cindy@futureprint.tech regarding ticket transfers.

  • You are welcome to attend the conference for one day only; however, the full two day delegate rate will still apply to your booking.

  • We would suggest staying at the Hotel Primus Valencia, which is a 20 minute walk or short taxi journey to the conference venue. Click here for more information.  To make a reservation, either contact the hotel by telephone on 0034 96331 8474 asking for the Groups Department or by sending an email to: 

    comercial@hotelprimusvalencia.com . Reference: FUTUREPRINT for a preferential rate.

    If you have any more questions, please get in touch with Cindy Cooper:


  • Zeus building · Base 1 La Marina, C/ de la Travesía, s/n, 46024, Valencia

    Open in Maps

    Parking will be available for those
    attending the event, subject to availability.

  • Decision makers from businesses in the Technology Developers, OEM’s, Print Production Companies & Manufacturing Companies from across industry but united in their interest and focus on digital printing technology for manufacturing and in particular packaging, labels & DTS

  • You may contact Cindy Cooper at cindy@futureprint.tech for enquiries about presenting or exhibiting. Please note that speaker and exhibitor spots are limited.

  • Please get in touch with Cindy Cooper to discuss your requirements. Cindy will be more than happy to help: cindy@futureprint.tech